Daffodils— A Sight To Hold To The Heart

Daffodils in Dora’s Field, Rydal, Lake District by Simon Whaley Landscapes.

Dancing daffodils!

This sight of daffodils open a window from the past where we can hear the beautiful lyrics, wrote by  our nature loving poet, William Wordsworth.
The “host of golden daffodils, beside the lake, beneath the trees, fluttering and dancing in the breeze” that he describes are said to have been inspired by those in Glencoyne Bay, Ullswater, on a visit with his sister Dorothy in 1802. Wordsworth spent much of his life in the Lake District, the perfect place for a key figure in the Romantic movement and passionate environmentalist to get close to nature. To mark the anniversary, the Wordsworth Museum has been expanded and modernised and Dove Cottage has been refurbished to help generations of new fans discover Wordsworth.


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