A journey To The Warm Places

An egret perches on a post at Lake Salton in California, USA

Looking into the distance!

Migratory birds are reliable frequent flyers who set off at the same time each year to fly approximately the same distance. In search of food and water sources, the birds often fly long distances to reach breeding areas or wintering places. Today is an important stopover for migratory birds: Lake Salton, the largest lake in California.This shallow salt lake was formed when a dam broke in 1905 and the Colorado River flowed into an approximately 56 km long basin with extensive salt deposits. Today it attracts hundreds of bird species in what is considered one of the most important concentrations of bird life in mainland America.Most of these birds are only passing through and migrate along the north-south route known as the Pacific Flyway. They gather there, sometimes in millions, to feed and gain strength before moving on. Some birds, like the heron pictured in today's photo, may stay here all season. Most, however, who arrive in spring, only stay a few days before continuing their journey to a summer resort further north.


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