Dongzhi 2019

Dongzhi 2019: Chinese Winter Solstice

The winter solstice festival was originated from the Han Dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD) and thrived in the Tang and Song dynasties (618 - 1279). People in the old times attached great importance to the festival. In Han Dynasty, the festival is regarded as the Winter Festival and people had one day off for the holiday.

The winter festival, Dongzhi also known as Chinese Winter Solstice, starts from December 21st and ends at 23rd of the same month. This festival is celebrated in China, Korea, Vietnam and Japan. The reason why the Chinese people celebrate the Winter solstice is related to the theory of Yin and Yang. According to the Chinese astrology, Yang symbolizes masculine and positive, Yin has the opposite meanings. The ancient people think from the winter solstice, the Yin is at its peak and will disappear gradually. While the Yang or positive things will become stronger and stronger from the day. So winter solstice is regarded as an auspicious day to celebrate. 


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